Friday, December 12, 2008

You come at the King, you best not miss...

Inspiration is a cruel mistress. And an ironic one at that. Derrida is what got me on this philosophy path for real and now that I'm required to write on him...of course I'd be tired of writing. Yet I need to write it. Perhaps more because of the thought that it evokes than for the actual paper itself.

It's a paper about mourning. It came out of the questions I had concerning mourning after Justin died. What exactly is this work of mourning that was so horrible and yet so necessary? I work through the feelings of narcissism, denial, and self-delusion. I am not alone in this. But the paper's generation out of the expiration of that beloved friend only marks it as a betrayal. The confinement of genre betrays the expansiveness of who Justin was, of the plurality of relations he had, of the entire world that he worlded that is no more. So I betray my friend by trying to keep faith with him.

He'd have said my paper wasn't that good anyway. And then beat my ass at halo...with grenades. Always grenades


The Wire is the second best television show I've ever seen next to Deadwood. Arrested Development comes in third. The pattern that emerges from these three shows is that I enjoy complex plot maneuvers, fully developed characters, and deep content. Exception being AD which doesn't offer up the deep content but rather mocks it and mocks it well. I like my TV to make me think and not just be something passive. That's what videogames are for.


"Just because you surround yourself with interesting things doesn't make you an interesting person" wrote Ben Gibbard in Paste earlier this year. No, Benji, it doesn't make you interesting but it doesn't hurt you either. I like to surround myself with excellent things. Or at least I want to be associated with excellence. It won't make me a good scholar or a better philosopher. Won't hurt either. And maybe just maybe I'll get to come back at Gibbard with a quote by Ricky Bobby.

"I piss excellence."


There really are too many arbitrary new web mooblies to make hardly any of them matter to me. Sorry friends, organizing data just aint my thing. Give me a good book, a good cup of coffee, and a few hours to talk about the ideas that make this world such a wonderous place. DB is okay I guess.

1 comment:

mattg said...

I also agree that "it doesn't hurt" to surround yourself with interesting things. Most cases. some people would probably best be served by living in a log cabin for two months without all their so-called interesting things, but we are not them. So I agree.

That is all.