Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Good Day For Questions

Perhaps it has something to do with deciding that I was going to dress like a grad student and not like a musician. Perhaps it was the autumnal chill that has settled (finally) in the Town of Boston complete with the beginnings of color change in the leaves. Whatever it was, today was a great day for questions. There are times when I feel the only questions I ask when I'm reading something or listening to a lecture are "what are you trying to say?" or "is this supposed to sound like nonsense?" Today was much different. Maybe Sartre is an easy target but his concept of the relation between perception and imagination just wasn't cutting it for me.

So I asked, "Is there ever a phenomena that exceeds the imaginative capacity of the subject?" Put another way, is there ever anything that presents itself to us that is bigger and beyond our ability to understand it? There are obvious theological undertones within the question but I think that there are non-religious phenomena that exceed our conception of them. Like another person.

That was my favorite question from today and, as most good questions do, it lead to more questions. So I ask this:

Is God a phenomenon that would exceed our imaginative concepts? Does God appear as a phenomenon at all? Is it through other phenomena that God is perceived?


Chase Macabre said...

Which if so, to me, begs the question "Does God have then have the ability to shrink? and is Christ, as fully God yet confined to the human imagination, a midget God?"

Chase Macabre said...

true. and unless God makes himself small again we cannot experience him in general, or through scripture. which is a mini-phenomenon of a macro-phenomenon over a mini-phenomenon of a mini-phenomenon of a macro-phenomenon which is entirely too much math.

Chase Macabre said...

new berry record was released last night for free at berrymeme.com

it's good. check it out.